Monday, 21 March 2022

Have pets ? Here is a few tips on rug cleaning. | Beautiful Shag Rugs

We all love our pets. They are our best friends and our snuggle-buddies. They also love to leave tokens of affection for their humans. Sometimes that’s a toy or blanket, maybe it’s pet hair or muddy paw prints, and other times it may be a mess that’s a little more gross. Occasionally, every pet has an accident that their owner has to clean up. It’s just part of being a pet parent. It’s one reason why pet owners should clean rugs regularly to keep their homes clean.

How often should you clean your rugs with pets in the home?

Pet owners should clean rugs by vacuuming one to two times a week to keep up on loose pet hair, dander, and tracked dirt. Pet owners seeking a deeper rug clean should shampoo rug three to four times per year. Cleaning when the seasons change is an easy way to remember when it’s time to deep clean your rugs! Of course, depending on how many pets you have and how long their hair is can change how often should you clean your rug.

First: Prepare your rug to be vacuumed

Before getting out your vacuum, pick up objects that are on the floors around the room that may get in the way. Toys, pillows, pet beds, etc., all need to be picked up. Make sure blankets or sheets aren’t dragging down on the floor because they could get sucked into the vacuum brush roll. Move cords or curtains that may be in your vacuuming path.

Vacuum in horizontal and vertical motions

Because rug is walked on and gets pushed down from all directions, it makes sense to vacuum from different directions too. To get the most dirt and debris out of your rug, go over the rug one way with your vacuum and then go back over it again in the opposite direction. You may not need to do this every single time you vacuum, but it’s a good tip for high traffic areas in your home, like hallways or the area right in front of your sofa.

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